This week at the Land Lab we are prepping for graduation coming up in the next couple weeks. These hydrangeas will be gifted to the 9th graders at the graduation ceremony. We are also finishing up the 9th grade interview videos and gathering pictures for the slide show.
On Tuesday, the Omni 9th graders visited Mrs. Deborah's class and dissected different echinoderms with the students. Echinoderms are in the phylum Echinodermata, which includes starfish and sea urchins. We had lots of fun learning about the anatomy and cannot wait to come back!
Monday, some students at the land lab extracted the honey from our bee hives. The bees produced about 26 pounds of honey(2 1/4 gallons), in their first season. The honey will be sold at the main campus this Thursday, 5/14/15, 3:00-4:30.Two weeks ago, the Omni 9th graders went on a trip to Costa Rica. We had so much fun sightseeing, volunteering, and learning about the culture. We did many activities and wish we could have stayed longer, but we know that the next 9th graders will have as much fun as us!
Last week the Omni Adolescents' sheep were sheared. They produced 14 pounds of wool in their first year, and are looking to produce more next year. Now, the sheep are ready to take on the hot summer sun!
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October 2017
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